Thursday, January 15, 2009

Learn the cause to know the effect

The process of learning programmes us to think in a specific manner. That every event or thing has a cause. Learning or knowledge is based on accurately interrelating cause with effect. Learning helps make the effect a predictable outcome based on our understanding of all the forces acting on the cause. The cause and effect thought process programmes our intellects unidimensionally. The paradigm works fine within a narrow spectrum only on the gross level. At the subatomic or subtle level, all the predictable physical laws become redundant. Reductionism, causality are incomplete tools of the human mind. Even in the Bhagavad Gita deliverance from all unhappiness is advocated by transcending the cause-effect algorithm. Indian philosophy has described this concept of noncausality as ‘ajati’. This concept is at the crossroads of the spiritualscientific divide. Singularity or advaita as described by seers stuns the intellectual process which is under the spell of the cause and effect pattern. The instant one veers from the path of cause and effect, the intellect is severely handicapped. Even scientific thought has now started inclining towards ‘experience’ rather than ‘experiment’ and the very quaint principles of quantum mechanics force one to abandon all rationality and reason. The Upanishads talk of “totality” , where even if one were to remove totality from totality, one would still be left with totality. This concept cannot be comprehended by the cause-effect principle. The mysticism shrouding spiritualism is because of the apparent disconnection from cause-effect . Science is a process of evolution of thought, whereas spiritualism is involution of thought. Physicists have been battling all along to come to a consensus Theory of Everything. The need for this theory is because the scientists are unanimous in accepting the discrepancy in laws governing the subtle and the gross. Spiritualism is getting to that elusive Theory of Everything without the mediation of the causeeffect hypothesis. The Theory of Everything is in essence singularity or advaita. Herein lies the experience that transcends causality. Where the observer, the observed and the act of observation merge into unison. The reductionism that science is obsessed with will finally culminate in the realisation that the elementary building block of all manifestation is just energy. That is what the String Theory seems to point to. What varies is the form or the perception of the form, not the content. Reductionism will reach a level where matter transforms into conscious energy, just as water becomes vapour. What has changed is the state, not the fundamental substance. This change of state from water to vapour is unidimensional. Manifestation is the ability of the source to virtually express itself multidimensionally . How can one therefore employ cause and effect to comprehend that singularity when both are mere projections of the same singularity? When we talk of virtual reality as in simulators or even cinema, is it not paradoxical that the intellect is aware of the illusory nature of the projection? At one end of the spectrum is pure awareness and the other end is also awareness which forces the senses to temporarily assign reality to the virtual image. Realisation is the process of moving from the awareness of virtual reality to pure awareness. Identification with this singularity will necessarily happen only by transcending the causeeffect protocol.
(The writer is a consultant neurosurgeon.) Email:
23 Jun 2008, Times of India


At August 26, 2009 at 3:35 AM , Blogger anjani dixit said...

sir ,there is nodoubt that you are brilliant...but do we really need so many words to make people understand about the ectasy?
i mean sometimes i become ecstatic by seeing clouds,by feeling the breeze...i believe that principle of realisation is so easy that it can be said in a statement...your writings are no doubt mind blowing, i wish to become a doctor like you,thanks for guiding us.


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